March 25 is the Solemnity of the Annunciation, a celebration of the Angel Gabriel announcing to Mary that she would be the mother of Jesus, the Son of God, the Savior. It is a joyful feast day in the midst of the solemn penitential season of Lent and a good time to remember the beginning of the life of our Savior, who died for us. The Annunciation is recounted in Lk 1:26-38.
In the window, Mary is on the left, seated with a book of the Scriptures. Her hands are uplifted around the book, suggesting a spirit of openness toward the Word of God. Mary was surely familiar with the Old Testament Scriptures and in her willingness to become the Mother of God, she participated in their fulfillment. Above and behind Mary is a flower in bud, a symbol of the Child to be born. More flowers are above her head, symbols of her innocence and motherly love. Gabriel is on the right. His wings rise up to the right and behind him is a star, a symbol of Jesus, the morning star, whose presence he is announcing. He holds a lily, which is his attribute, a symbol of holiness and purity. Gabriel’s hand is uplifted in greeting and blessing. He is dressed in green, a color that symbolizes hope. On his shoulder is a small red triangle, reminding us that it is the message of God that he is carrying to Mary.
Mary’s willing response to God, “May it be done to me according to your word,” made a way for God’s own Son to be born into our world to be our Savior and Redeemer. During this Lent may we open our hearts to allow God to work in us also. May we pray that the Love of God, poured out for us on the Cross will change hearts and minds and bring peace where there is conflict, especially in Ukraine. May we ask Mary, the Mother of God, to intercede for us and for peace in the world before her Son.